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Meal Group Selections Screen Layout

To allow meal groups containing many items to be displayed better on POS, two new columns ‘Sort’ and ‘Columns’ have been added to the Groups section within the Meals Setup area of the portal.


Meal Group Selections Screen Layout


Ticking the “Sort” checkbox will automatically sort the items within the meal group alphabetically when they are displayed on POS.

Entering a number in the Columns field will define the number of columns to use to display the meal group items (the columns read from left-to-right, top-to-bottom).

In below example, if “Sort” is unticked, and “Columns” is blank

In below example, if “Sort” is unticked, and “Columns” is blank

In below example, “Sort” is ticked and “Column” = 2

Meal Group Selections Screen Layout 2

Note: The Sort and Columns fields can be used independently, or in conjunction with each other.